Jumat, 15 Juli 2011


Berbicara tentang batik tidak pernah akan terlepas dari motif dan warna yang menjadi daya tarik utama dari batik itu sendiri. Ada beberapa jenis zat warna yang digunakan dalam proses pembuatan batik, antara lain Remasol, Naptol, Indigosol zat warna asam, direk, pewrna alam dan banyak lagi jenis-jenis zat warna lainnya. Untuk pewarna alam adalah warna yang di ambil dari alam dengan proses ektrasksi. Dengan berkembangnya batik pewarna alam sangat diminati karena mempunyai warna yang soft (lembut dan enak di pandang). Pewarnaan alam berkembang dikalangan pembuat batik walaupun lebih rumit pembuatannya. Alasan utamanya adalah pewarna alam lebih ramah lingkungan dan otomatis hasil warnanya lebih alami dan  lebih sejuk dipandang mata dan sesuai dengan yang berkembang hari-hari ini go green. 
Bahan utama yang digunakan untuk membuat pewarna alam ini dapat ditemukan di sekitar kita, bunga, kulit buah bahkan kulit kayu juga dapat dimanfaatkan. Cara pembuatannya pun cukup sederhana, kita hanya perlu mencuci material yang akan dipergunakan, lalu dipotong kecil-kecil dan direbus minimal 12 jam. Semakin lama kita merebusnya semakin bagus hasil pewarnaannya.
Tujuan proses ekstraksi ini yaitu untuk menghasilkan zat warna alam yang akan di gunakan untuk pewarna'an.di antara zat warna yang menggalami proses ekstraksi adalah golongan mordant,dyrect dan gol asam/basa,baik yang berasal dari daun,kulit kayu atau akar dari tumbuhan tersebut
1.      Proses ekstraksi/perebusan warna alam
2.      1 kg daun/biji/kayu/kulit kayu
3.      Di masukkan ke dalam air 5-10L
4.      Di rebus sampai mendidih selama 1 jam terhitung dari mulai air mendidih
5.      Diamkan selama 30-60 menit dan saring larutan
6.      Larutan siap di pakai
7.      Gunakan larutan jangan di buang ya dan selamat mencoba
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Selasa, 28 Juni 2011

0 Kabar dari Banyuwangi

Kerajaan Blambangan adalah kerajaan yang berpusat di kawasan Blambangan, yaitu di sebelah selatan Banyuwangi atau yang lebih dikenal dengan Alas Purwo. Raja terakhir yang menduduki singgasana adalah Prabu Minakjinggo. Kerajaan ini telah ada pada akhir era Majapahit. Blambangan dianggap sebagai kerajaan bercorak Hindu terakhir di Pulau Jawa. Kemudian Muncullah Kerajaan Blambangan (Kalau boleh disebut "Blambangan II), dimana kerajaan Blambangan II ini sudah bernafaskan Islam dengan Pusat Pemerintahan di Blambangan,Muncar, yang kemudian melahirkan Seorang Ulama Dengan Nama Sunan Giri
Sebelum menjadi kerajaan berdaulat, Blambangan termasuk wilayah taklukan Bali. Kerajaan Mengwi pernah menguasai wilayah ini. Usaha penaklukan Kesultanan Mataram terhadap Blambangan tidak berhasil. Inilah yang menyebabkan mengapa kawasan Blambangan (dan Banyuwangi pada umumnya) tidak pernah masuk pada budaya Jawa Tengahan, sehingga kawasan tersebut hingga kini memiliki ragam bahasa yang cukup berbeda dengan bahasa Jawa baku. Pengaruh Bali juga tampak pada berbagai bentuk kesenian tari yang berasal dari wilayah Blambangan.
Beberapa penemuan sejarah yang menjadi objek cukup menarik dari peninggalan kerajaan blambangan adalah Tembok Rejo, berupa tembok bekas benteng kerajaan Blambangan sepanjang lebih kurang 5 km terpendam pada kedalaman 1 - 0.5 m dari permukaan tanah dan membentang dari masjid pasar muncar hingga di areal persawahan Desa Tembok Rejo. Siti Hinggil atau oleh masyarakat lebih di kenal dengan sebutan Setinggil yang artinya Siti adalah tanah, Hinggil/inggil adalah tinggi.Objek Siti Hinggil ini berada di sebelah timur pertigaan pasar muncar (lebih kurang 400 meter arah utara TPI/Tempat Pelelangan ikan). Siti Hinggil ini merupakan pos pengawasan pelabuhan/syah bandar yang berkuasa pada masa kerajaan Blambangan, berupa batu pijakan yang terletak di atas gundukan batu tebing yang mempunyai "keistimewaan" untuk mengawasi keadaan di sekitar teluk pang Pang dan Semenanjung Blambangan. Beberapa benda peninggalan sejarah Blambangan yang kini tersimpan di museum daerah berupa Guci dan asesoris gelang lengan, sedangkan kolam dan Sumur kuno yang di temukan masih berada di sekitar Pura Agung Blambangan yaitu di Desa Tembok Rejo kecamatan Muncar Kabupaten Banyuwangi.
Bukti lain sejarah kerajaan blambangan di desa Blambangan ini riwayat kerajaan Blambangan tetap misterius. Situs dan petilasan Blambangan banyak ditemukan di Kecamatan Muncar. Yang masih terlihat jelas bentuknya adalah situs Umpak Songo di Desa Tembokrejo, Muncar.Di sekitar Umpak Songo banyak ditemukan saksi sejarah kebesaran Blambangan. Ada gumuk sepur, bukit yang memanjang. Konon ini adalah benteng raksasa kerajaan Blambangan. Akibat kurangnya pemahaman masyarakat, gumuk sepur dihancurkan dan lokasinya dijadikan lahan pertanian. Situs Ompak Songo memiliki makna tersendiri bagi dua umat beragama di Banyuwungi. Yakni, umat Islam dan Hindu. Hal itu disebabkan perjalanan sejarah Kerajaan Blambangan tak lepas dari dua pengaruh Agama tersebut.
Umpak Songo adalah tumpukan batu berlubang mirip penyangga tiang bangunan yang berjumlah sembilan. Umpak artinya tangga, songo berarti sembilan. Situs ini ditemukan pertama kali tahun 1916 oleh Mbah Nadi Gede, warga dari Bantul, Yogyakarta. Pertama ditemukan kondisinya sudah tertimbun tanah dan hutan belantara. Begitu digali, ternyata mirip sebuah candi. Diyakini, Umpak Songo dahulunya adalah balai pertemuan bagi raja Blambangan bersama bawahannya.
Tahun 1938, seorang raja dari Solo, Mangku Bumi IX, mengunjungi tempat itu. Kemudian, tempat ini diberi nama Umpak Songo. Mangku Bumi sempat mengisahkan lokasi itu adalah bekas peninggalan kerajaan Blambangan dengan rajanya Minak Jinggo. Tak jauh dari Umpak Songo, ada Umpak Lima. Konon, tempat ini adalah ruangan semadi raja-raja Blambangan. Bangunan ini kini sudah musnah. Warga meratakannya dengan tanah, lalu dibangun sebuah mushola. Warga yang bertempat tinggal di sekitar situs Umpak Songo adalah keluarga besar.
Partaningrat Arifin, Babad Blambangan, Bentang, Yogyakarta, 1995
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0 Canon PowerShot SD950

The PowerShot SD950 IS Digital ELPH, with its curved sleek titanium body, is as powerful as it is exquisite: There's a high resolution 12.1-megapixel CCD, an Optical Image Stabilizer, and 3.7x optical zoom. Face Detection Technology is also on board to automatically give you just the shot you're looking for. Auto ISO Shift and ISO 1600 let you command low light like a pro. There's even a high-resolution 2.5-inch LCD that makes shooting and playback a delight.
Life doesn't give you second chances to capture special times. That's why the elegant Canon PowerShot SD950IS Digital ELPH is equipped with Canon's acclaimed Optical Image Stabilizer Technology that automatically detects and corrects camera shake, one of the leading causes of fuzzy or blurred shots. Even when zoomed in, you can get the steady, crisp, brilliant images you'll be proud to shoot and share. And 3.7x optical zoom and Optical Image Stabilizer Technology are so convenient with which to shoot subjects in distance. Just turn it on, it functions perfectly with or without a flash.
With DIGIC III, your images boast superior quality, the camera operates at top efficiency and battery life is enhanced. What's more, DIGIC III enables Canon's Face Detection Technology and red-eye correction to give you better, more true-to-life people shots. Simply press the Shutter Button halfway down, and the camera automatically pinpoints the faces in the scene and chooses the ideal focus point. The camera controls exposure settings and flash to keep every face looking bright and natural. Red eyes can be corrected during playback.
iSAPS Technology is an entirely original scene-recognition technology developed for digital cameras by Canon. Using an internal database of thousands of different photos, iSAPS works with the fast DIGIC III Image Processor to improve focus speed and accuracy, as well as exposure and white balance.

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Sabtu, 18 Juni 2011

0 Batik Jalanmu

         Batik adalah salah satu cara pembuatan bahan pakaian. Kata "batik" berasal dari gabungan dua kata bahasa Jawa: "amba", yang bermakna "menulis" dan "titik" yang bermakna "titik"Selain itu batik bisa mengacu pada dua hal. Yang pertama adalah teknik pewarnaan kain dengan menggunakan malam untuk mencegah pewarnaan sebagian dari kain. Dalam literature internasional, teknik ini dikenal sebagai wax-resist dyeing. Pengertian kedua adalah kain atau busana yang dibuat dengan teknik tersebut, termasuk penggunaan motif-motif tertentu yang memiliki kekhasan. Batik Indonesia, sebagai keseluruhan teknik, teknologi, serta pengembangan motif dan budaya yang terkait, oleh UNESCO telah ditetapkan sebagai Warisan Kemanusiaan untuk Budaya Lisan dan Nonbendawi (Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity) sejak 2 Oktober, 2009.1. Dalam literatur Eropa, teknik batik ini pertama kali diceritakan dalam buku History of Java (London, 1817) tulisan Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles. Ia pernah menjadi Gubernur Inggris di Jawa semasa Napoleon menduduki Belanda. Pada 1873 seorang saudagar Belanda Van Rijekevorsel memberikan selembar batik yang diperolehnya saat berkunjung ke Indonesia ke Museum Etnik di Rotterdam dan pada awal abad ke-19 itulah batik mulai mencapai masa keemasannya. Sewaktu dipamerkan di Exposition Universelle di Paris pada tahun 1900, batik Indonesia memukau publik dan seniman.
         Seni pewarnaan kain dengan teknik pencegahan pewarnaan menggunakan malam adalah salah satu bentuk seni kuno. Penemuan di Mesir menunjukkan bahwa teknik ini telah dikenal semenjak abad ke-4 SM, dengan diketemukannya kain pembungkus mumi yang juga dilapisi malam untuk membentuk pola. Di Asia, teknik serupa batik juga diterapkan di Tiongkok semasa Dinasti T'ang (618-907) serta di India dan Jepang semasa Periode Nara (645-794). Di Afrika, teknik seperti batik dikenal oleh Suku Yoruba di Nigeria, serta Suku Soninke dan Wolof di Senegal.2. Di Indonesia, batik dipercaya sudah ada semenjak zaman Majapahit, dan menjadi sangat populer akhir abad XVIII atau awal abad XIX. Batik yang dihasilkan ialah semuanya batik tulis sampai awal abad XX dan batik cap baru dikenal setelah Perang Dunia 1 atau sekitar tahun 1920-an3. batik merupakan budaya asli Jawa, tetapi karena Bangsa kita cenderung memiliki budaya lisan, bukan tulisan, sehingga bentuk pendokumentasian yang lengkap justru dimiliki oleh orang di luar Jawa khususnya dan Indonesia umumnya. Dan yang sering terjadi dalam penulisan sejarah batik ini sering kali pengutip dengan atau tanpa disengaja tidak menyebutkan sumber asli. Batik meruapakan kekayaan budaya asli Jawa yang tidak dapat di jumpai di dunia manapun, oleh karena itu bahwa ada pendapat tentang batik merupakan pengaruh dari India, Cina tidak dapat di terima4 , masih menurut4 bahwa justru cara pembuatan corak kain mirip Batik di India dan China itulah yang belajar dari Jawa!!! kalaupun di Halmahera dan Papua ada "batik" dalam pengertian proses mewarnai suatu media sehingga membentuk motif tertentu, pertanyaannya, adakah budaya di bumi yang lebih tua daripada budaya: paleojavanicus yang telah memiliki budaya sebelum yang lainnya ada. Jadi jangan bilang kita mengenal peradaban setelah ada kerajaan Kalingga, tarumanegara, mataram kuno. Jauh sebelum itu kita telah berbudaya.
          Batik adalah kerajinan yang memiliki nilai seni tinggi dan telah menjadi bagian dari budaya Indonesia (khususnya Jawa) sejak lama. Perempuan-perempuan Jawa di masa lampau menjadikan keterampilan mereka dalam membatik sebagai mata pencaharian, sehingga di masa lalu pekerjaan membatik adalah pekerjaan eksklusif perempuan sampai ditemukannya "Batik Cap" yang memungkinkan masuknya laki-laki ke dalam bidang ini. Ada beberapa pengecualian bagi fenomena ini, yaitu batik pesisir yang memiliki garis maskulin seperti yang bisa dilihat pada corak "Mega Mendung", dimana di beberapa daerah pesisir pekerjaan membatik adalah lazim bagi kaum lelaki.
          Tradisi membatik pada mulanya merupakan tradisi yang turun temurun, sehingga kadang kala suatu motif dapat dikenali berasal dari batik keluarga tertentu. Beberapa motif batik dapat menunjukkan status seseorang. Bahkan sampai saat ini, beberapa motif batik tadisional hanya dipakai oleh keluarga keraton Yogyakarta dan Surakarta. Ragam corak dan warna Batik dipengaruhi oleh berbagai pengaruh asing. Awalnya, batik memiliki ragam corak dan warna yang terbatas, dan beberapa corak hanya boleh dipakai oleh kalangan tertentu. Namun batik pesisir menyerap berbagai pengaruh luar, seperti para pedagang asing dan juga pada akhirnya, para penjajah. Warna-warna cerah seperti merah dipopulerkan oleh Tionghoa, yang juga memopulerkan corak phoenix. Bangsa penjajah Eropa juga mengambil minat kepada batik, dan hasilnya adalah corak bebungaan yang sebelumnya tidak dikenal (seperti bunga tulip) dan juga benda-benda yang dibawa oleh penjajah (gedung atau kereta kuda), termasuk juga warna-warna kesukaan mereka seperti warna biru. Batik tradisonal tetap mempertahankan coraknya, dan masih dipakai dalam upacara-upacara adat, karena biasanya masing-masing corak memiliki perlambangan masing-masing.

1. 1http://www.unesco.org/culture/ich/index.php?RL=00170
2. 2a b c Nadia Nava, Il batik - Ulissedizioni - 1991 ISBN 88-414-1016-7
3. 3http://pesonabatik.site40.net/Sejarah_Batik.html
4. a b Iwan Tirta, Gareth L. Steen, Deborah M. Urso, Mario Alisjahbana, 'Batik: a play of lights and shades, Volume 1', By Gaya Favorit Press, 1996, ISBN 979-515-313-7, 9789795153139
5. Dewan sastera, Volume 31, Issues 1-6 By Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka
6. 4 Batik Shuniyya (Salah satu pakar sejarah batik)

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Jumat, 23 April 2010


Gus Dur is a generation of school and have a major role in the development of pondok pesantren, pondok pesantren can grow up like today. Pondok pesantren are no longer just teach religious education, but the pondok pesantren began to combine religion and public education so that people pondok pesantren have a broad view of life. Islamic people are no longer backward from this common knowledge even today pesantren graduates can occupy strategic positions in government. And all these services can not be separated from Gus Dur in making improvements through the writings he had once opposed by various parties.
Gus Dur is a person who is not afraid of the view difference and ready to fight for it no matter the risk, with no record of different origin without any basis and reasons that do not conflict with religion. And these attitudes and views that became his greatest service to the youth in particular and for NU NU general. So that was led by NU when he is no longer considered an archaic institution, backward and anti-progress impressed. Thanks to his articulation of the NU has a very high intellect and is able to encourage our youth to dare to think and NU expression. Gus Dur is opening space for freedom of thinking in the NU and willing to be the guardian of the criticism and attacks for those who have who have different views and not the views of the chaplain sejalandengan NU. Gus Dur is also the driving force for people to menpelajari 'yellow bible where the hidden treasures of Islam, but also whipped up the spirit of the Nahdliyin to learn the "White Book" which saved the general sciences. So thanks to his service as an institution that is now NU is no longer old-fashioned, backward and anti-change was impressed, but NU metamorphosed into a dynamic organization, open to progress, and tolerant.
Gus Dur is not only NU leaders who only take care of the problems that occurred among the NU, but he is a national leader who always fought on the side of the people who are marginalized, those whose rights are taken away. Gus Dur is the leader ready to be opposite for the good as he did in NU circles, but this attitude also he applied to always criticize any policies of the government's populist and impressive that do not harm the public. Whereas in those days no one dared to oppose what the government policy. Let alone against government policy, to speak a different course no one would dare to do that. And Gus Dur to be one person who dared to oppose policies that are inconsistent with current conditions in society. Gus Dur has always been loyal to the government's critics where others are racing to lick the government with various purposes. One result of the criticism and opposition to policies that Gus Dur harming society and this country will never become a rock sndungan Wahid when he was running for the third chairman of NU. When Gus Dur was opposed to the construction of Kedung Ombo dam in Boyolali, Central Java, which is funded by the World Bank. As a result of criticism and opposition to the government conduct the election campaign again PBNUto Wahid became president a third time. rapidly spread the news that that the government was trying to bribe members of Congress to prevent the re-election of Gus Dur.
Gus Dur is also the figure which have become an icon of democracy, human rights, freedom, plurality and freedom of thinking. At the time he became president of RI to-four, he dismissed FRONT for through this department kebesan thinking and believes that has been guaranteed by the Constitution 45 terbrangus. So there is no freedom of thought and opinion because everyone who believes differently by the government or to criticize the government is prepared to deal with legal issues that may not be in jail without trial or even be threatened his life. Not only that, he boldly eliminate the TAP MPR No. 25 MPRS 1966 because according to him not the duty of the state to isolate the PKI because it is contrary to the Constitution 45 to protect all the Indonesian people regardless of nation and ideology.
Gus Dur is an inspirational figure and has the attitude and the clarity is second to none in this duia. NU Gus Dur is the window to the world, he is a graduate of Middle Eastern Islamic leaders who talk about democracy, human rights and freedom of thinking and this is unusual. Since Gus Dur is not a graduate of the U.S. or the old people who live there, just as young children who lived there and the schools there. Gus Dur is a character who is always ready to be a living shield for the oppressed people Manjadi protective teraniyaya people and not people who like to pretend teraniyaya. He is not afraid to take big risks for a truth and the defense to klaum minorotas. Examples of the most brand new and most mengemparkan for the people of Indonesia is when Gus Dur dismissed Kindergarten (DPR) which during the lebh often become parasites than what they promised so far, which is to become deputy assistant or more delicious alias called public servant. Even with that decision, he must resign or call Wahid politically deposed from the presidency of the republic of Indonesia.
Gus Dur is the true freedom fighters who do not think tirelessly to fight for it. He is an inspiration for young people to not be afraid to escalate an opinion and defend it, although we are trying to opinions different from what is currently running. He always stressed to be creative in thinking without having to be afraid of risk. Because there is no risk-free job. And those who fear the risk is that people will not develop and will not get what he wants. Gus Dur merupaan versatile character and is the only president who dared to issue a controversial statement by the political elites and the public. But Gus Dur is a figure that is too advanced for the Indonesian people are still looking at it all day from the casing or wrapper just not knowing and not knowing what it contained. He is a character on the world cheering you on and degrade by the Indonesian people because that's what the Indonesian people, who prefer soap operas than in reality. Insonesia Nations will and certainly more like a promise than reality. Mr multiculturalism is the name of the father of President Wahid of Indonesia and more than that. He can look at all the same person without distinction of any good from the standpoint of ethnicity, religion, and other viewpoints. He is a leader who terjujur which was once owned by the Indonesian Nation, leaders who do not like to be pitied by her didzolilmi imaged by others. This is evidenced by Gus Dur said that the corruption which has finally proved that it was all just a figment and talk is not clear which of course from people who are not obvious. That with unfounded allegations that he was deposed from the presidency by his political enemies who act like as a friend. Who deserves the echoes from Gus Dur in this case is not complaining and dramatize the nature of the situation, which may still be fresh in our memory how our leaders are not sensitive to the suffering of the people who are hard but could only complain to the state. Gus Dur is clearly a descendant pessantren and raised in the pondok pesantren could have such a powerful saifat, whereas during the boarding school was always underestimated and even lower Probably not considered at all.
Gus Dur is a person who has strong beliefs that he has always tried to do something big in his life journey. For some people it regarded as Gus Dur snobby people because he has a habit to give spirit to himself like an athlete who was talking to himself that he could become a champion before engaging in the game. And these are not owned by our youth in particular and the nation of Indonesia. We'll always be pessimistic and skeptical of anything because we teach leaders to act like that. Therefore, losing someone like Gus Dur is a great loss for the Indonesian nation, because he no other figure even close to him in Indonesia, even in the world though. These services not only recognized him from within the city, but the world will recognize his services by the number of honorary degrees from various negara.paling horrendous is the recognition and delivery of one of honorary doctorates from renowned universities of Israel who might not be any more children nation will get it. And many more pengharagaan and respect the world have for him. He will never die in our hearts. His spirit will always grow and blazing in our hearts to continue the struggle he has in any field. And, most importantly in the honoring of a hero not only have to give the title hero of the title are too trivial and degrading service and contribution impressed him very very very big on the Indonesian nation. Let us honor him by applying the tolerant attitude, creative thinking memintingkan obligations than we always demand their rights and fight for people and not to seek benefits from people. May the his soul he given a beautiful place with Allah SWT Amen.

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Senin, 23 November 2009

0 Muhammad The Real Enterprenuer

Muhammad, by hearing this name what comes to mind Muslims. Arabian Peninsula is a very affluent area and luxurious (the source of Strabo Eratosthenes). Arabic is the country where the growth of plants fragrances and other spices; people love and enjoy the freedom and independent character of this highly admired oeh Western nations. This does not ditunujukkan with dutanya sent to Alexander, who has a plan to make the central Arabian kingdom. The Arabs called their business so there are many business centers and markets advanced form of a regional economic standing then many of the kingdoms of the ruling as the ruling Nabasia between Egypt and Mesopotamia region. The market economy is central to the very influential in economic development and a country. The Arab market in old age is a gathering place for caravans of traders and artisans. These markets, such as: Busra markets located in countries Sham, Mushaqqar market, once the capital of the Arab kingdom and there is also a great heritage of a mosque yatiu Hadrat Umar ibn al-Khattab, and market-Jandal is located Dumatul desert Sham Damascus position in the region Dumatul Jandal Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This area is known for the arms industry, stone carvings, and carpets and also an important area of agriculture in Saudi Arabia. And many other markets that are in the Arabian Peninsula and the economic pulse Arab bangasa.
Arab nations also known as nomadic peoples (badawah) that because life is often the case a war between duku or tribes to fight the water, fields and rights to rumout herding. But all that changed around the sixth century, an opportunity emerged as a result of the transportation revolution. The Bedouin create untu menungkinkan saddle-camels carrying loads much more, traders from India, East Africa, Yemen, and Bahrain began to replace the mule trains them with the camels, which can last for days without water and very suitable for crossing the desert. So, alaih-over to avoid the Arab country, the foreign traders buying and selling luxury goods, incense, spices, ivory, wheat, diamonds, wood, cloth, and medicines; began directly to the Byzantines and across the field Syuirah steppe, employed to guard the Bedouin untu-camel, and guide them from one well to another well. And with the development of such a Mecca to stop for the caravan that moves to the north of this. Slowly and surely the Arabs of Mecca began to establish itself became an independent trader and can take over power trade in the region.

Muhammad, Entrepreneur Handal
In many studies that have been conducted and writings from various sources both classical writing or even good writing by writers of modern Muslim or non-Muslims have many called that Muhammad was a holy and without deceit in his life. But more than that of Muhammad Muhammad was a successful pengusah in the field of trade, because he is a businessman who always emphasize that a business is one way Fisabilillah jihad, or better known as the road Allah.dengan strategies to optimize existing resources . Because of his assets are capital or the means to worship. Thus, the property is not a goal but just one more tool to get closer to Allah SWT. In practice, Muhammad always puts kemashlahatan (good) for commodities trading and in every transaction with his customer. Muhammad's first use of our marketing strategy which many refer to as a modern marketing strategy. Ibn Umar, RA, he said: "Muhammad was asked about whether the business is best?" He replied, "Business person with his own hands and the trade fair" (Thabrani).
In business perdangannya Muhammad always a good resource to optimize the human resources or natural resources have to be processed into goods or people with high-quality and ability, and in employing people memperkaerjakan people Rosuluulah always best to conduct rigorous selection to promote the values of religion, namely piety and honesty. So no one if he often refuse people who applied for her job. In the development of human resources and the withdrawal belaiu always focused on the productivity performance. Thus the compensation (wages) can be done in a fair and equitable. Muhammad workers compensation for financial compensation and a non-fnansial. Compensation includes non-financial rewards from God and man. Compensation of the human form of career and social rewards which are often highly valued by employees. Career and social rewards including career development, security, career flexibility, praise, recognition and friendship. Sehinggan with such a system then there will always be improvement and development of human resources.
Muhammad trading system based on noble values that he embraced religion of Islam. So in any element of financial management is always based to kemashlahatan (good) and can help others. Muhammad's financial strategy aims to take advantage of the financial resources to support the business, both long term and short term. This financial strategy includes the elimination of interest (usury), speculation (gharar) and gambling (maisir) in all transactions, kekeyaan improvement of income distribution and equity and the achievement of a prosperous society under the protection of Allah SWT. The principles of business transactions include the principle of profit-sharing, buying and selling, renting beliefs and principles of virtue.
Marketing model, he was always polite and friendly to customers and of any transaction based solely on the honesty and love as love without any element of fraud with profanity, because Rusulullah hate it. Although the customer is rude to him, he still valid and remain gentle smile on his customers. His marketing strategy including market segmentation and market targeting, product strategy, pricing strategy, the strategy places, and promotion strategies. And for consumer product marketing, the primary segmentation variable is geographic segmentation, demographic segmentation, psychographic segmentation, behavior segmentation, and segmentation benefits. And to do it all he always malakukan observation that he can see their traditional consumer culture. Even in a history he knows customary dinner drink and a region, so that he can determine what items can be sold every place with the right and the right price too.

Book title : Muhammad Business strategy & Ethics
Writer : M. Suyanto
Publisher : Andi, Yogyakarta
Publish : I, 2008
Pages : 299 pages

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Selasa, 10 November 2009

0 Preemtive Strategy

Preemtive strategy similar to the generic strategy, but emphasize his superiority. This approach is oriented to the overall cost advantage and differentiation. Highlight the overall cost advantage is lower prices than competitors. Differentiation highlights the striking difference in the brand with the brand is not a superior competitor. Preemtive strategy is a smart strategy, because the highlight of superiority and a unique statement. This strategy was used because of superior benefits compared to competing products have only a small difference. Diekploitasi this difference so that the benefits of a product appear different from competitors' products. Thus, blocking a competitor to say the same. However, do not exaggerate the benefits of your product by saying things that are making it up, because it includes advertising sin (Eric Schulz, 2001).

Preemtive strategy used by Dove to show the superiority of its products Dove Silkening Body Lotion and Dove Cream Oil Shower. Skin like silk (silk) is the gold standard of skin conditions. Dove Supreme Silk contains perceive pure silk providing superior care compared with its competitors. Dove ads in Indonesia by using the execution witness evidence, namely Dove users to feel their softness. In this way, the Dove into the superior looks different than its competitors.

Visine eye drops are also using preemtive strategy. By using the "Getting the red out". And all the drugs designed to relieve eye redness in the eyes, but who started the ad is Visine. Consumers associate the drug that can eliminate eye redness is Visine, Visine has since made a dramatic statement. There is no other company that makes a statement like this, for fear of being called a plagiarist.
Kopi Kapal Api preemtive strategy in 1978, which is advertised in the Fire Ship Coffee TVRI using Paimo comedians such as advertising support. Strategy done because no one has done promotions via television. Whereas overseas has many food products, beverages at diklankan by television. The strategy is a good strategy, so as if there is no other coffee brand Kopi Kapal Api besides. Since then Kopi Kapal Api brand and grow its market melijit throughout the archipelago. Currently Fire Ship Coffee became the market leader for coffee products in Indonesia.
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